Training & Education for Companies and Organizations

GEI’s education and training programs are delivered through presentations, seminars, community forums, and interactive sessions where the focus is understanding and dialogue. These sessions raise awareness around topics of diversity and strategies for inclusion. We take a comprehensive approach to inclusion by working with your organization to contextualize training within a broad array of other services.

Please note that these levels are designed to inspire reflection and are flexible; we look forward to connecting with you to find the best fit for your needs.

Ready to learn more?

To learn more about our educational offerings, ask questions, and inquire about custom options or equitable rates that best fit your organization, please get in touch with our expert team.

Reach out to Christina Meneses, Education and Training Manager, at or 314-390-6603

Level 1: Ready to Start

Initiatives at this level may be a good fit if people in your organization are currently discussing ways in which a coordinated DEI journey would be beneficial, and now you are seeking next steps.

  • Cultural humility is an essential part of an inclusive company or organization, particularly in service non-profit organizations. This workshop gives participants a look into the fundamentals of cultural humility and how a deeper understanding of this concept will foster inclusivity. This session will delve into why the term cultural humility is used over cultural competency or cultural sensitivity and reflect on how this concept can be used to mitigate types of bias that can lead to the “-isms” (racism, sexism, ableism etc.) Participants will have the opportunity to explore their own identities and reflect on what cultural humility means to them and their organization with the guidance of an experienced facilitator. At the end of this workshop, participants will be better situated to engage with others without centering their own culture and even reflect on where their skills are best suited based on their social identities.

    (1.5 hours, maximum of 45 participants)

  • These sessions are designed to foster vulnerable, growth-minded dialogue about race and racial justice by creating space for all voices and facilitating conversations that many are not accustomed to having. Given ongoing racial discrimination and violence, it is as necessary as ever to resist the urge to remain silent. These conversations are difficult but critical in order to radically shift the status quo. Dialogue for Change sessions provide people of color a safe space in which to process, without the all-too-common external pressure to educate others, while simultaneously providing space for white folks to discuss the things they are finding challenging and support one another in their own learning and understanding. Through situating our individual lives and social identities as inextricably linked to the forces that created white supremacy and have upheld it in our culture and institutions, Dialogue for Change seeks to illuminate and challenge bias as well as create an urgent call to action.

    (1.5 hours, maximum of 25 participants)

  • This session will introduce frameworks and language essential to building foundational knowledge of diversity and inclusion. As a group we will explore key D&I concepts and define words like social identity, bias, and inclusion. Participants will leave with a shared vocabulary, vital for continuing conversations and fostering inclusivity in their respective workplaces. This session aims to provide a strong basis that is crucial to the longevity of inclusion and belonging. Begin your journey towards a more welcoming organization with this introductory workshop.

    (1 hour, maximum of 45 participants)

  • This training session is designed to offer a distinctive perspective on mandated anti-harassment training through the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Attendees will gain insights into the fundamental causes of harassment and a comprehensive understanding of the various forms it can manifest within the workplace. Emphasis will be placed on strategies for addressing harassment both at an institutional and individual level, aligning with DEI principles and actions. Participants will leave with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively combat harassment in its myriad forms, leveraging DEI values. This session is readily adaptable to incorporate the specific harassment and discrimination policies and procedures of your organization. We will conclude with an interactive activity designed to facilitate participant reflection. This exercise offers attendees the opportunity to evaluate their existing policies and procedures for bias, while practicing the utilization of provided tools to enhance inclusivity.

    (1.5 hours, maximum of 45 participants)

  • These sessions are focused on conversation on a specific DEI topic relevant to the organization. Contact Director of Training and Education for example topics.

    (1 hour, maximum of 45 participants)

  • This session explores the topic of microaggressions and their impact. Participants will learn how seemingly-small acts can affect an individual’s sense of safety and well-being, as well as contribute to an organization’s turnover, reputation, and overall lack of effectiveness. Participants will also learn strategies for minimizing microaggressions, and responding when they do occur.

    (1.5 hours, maximum of 45 participants.

  • Psychological safety, as coined by Dr. Amy Edmonson, refers to the sense that one will not face negative consequences for speaking up, taking risks, or expressing ideas, opinions, or concerns within a group or organization. Psychological safety has been identified as an important factor in creating effective and profitable workplaces. In this session we will first lay the foundation of what psychological safety is and how inclusion and belonging contribute to it. Participants will leave with concrete strategies for applying these learnings individually and organizationally.

    (1.5 hours, maximum 45 participants).

  • This workshop offers an introductory overview of sexual orientation and gender identity. Participants will delve into key definitions, explore pronoun usage, and learn how to actively support the LGBTQIA+ community as allies in and out of the workplace. This session includes an activity, and clients can choose between two options.

    (2 hours, maximum of 45 participants)

  • For the first time in modern history, there are now five generations working simultaneously in the workplace, and engaging all generations is essential to innovation, inclusivity, and belonging. In this session, we will discuss the challenges to a thriving multi-generational workforce and strategies to mitigate these challenges. We will explore the building blocks of intergenerational communication and offer practical tools to foster a workplace where every generation feels empowered to collaborate and contribute. In an age-diverse world, learning to bridge the generational gaps and celebrating the value each generation brings is increasingly important.

    (1 hour, maximum of 45 participants)

  • This workshop provides insight into how unconscious bias manifests across organizational levels. Participants will learn about its various forms and behavioral implications, along with strategies for mitigation. Real-world examples are used to enhance understanding, facilitating practical application in the workplace. By raising awareness and providing tools for addressing bias, this session empowers participants to foster a more inclusive organizational culture.

    (2 hours, maximum of 45 participants)

Level 2: Launched

Initiatives at this level may be a good fit if your organization has already taken early steps to establish a commitment to DEI and provide some access to learning, and now you are seeking opportunities to grow.

  • This Introductory Workshop provides awareness-building around issues of race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, class, ability, age, religion, and appearance through short presentations, experiential activities, reflection and dialogue. Participants will develop an awareness of themselves in the process of socialization and their role in breaking down oppressive systems. Participants will leave the day with a greater understanding about how to make a real difference in their families, schools, jobs, and communities.

    (4 hours or 8 hours, maximum of 30 participants)

  • This session will take a deeper dive into how organizations can support diverse workforces by creating work environments that are more attractive to job-seekers from a variety of backgrounds. This session will provide best practices for company policies, staff representation, benefits, marketing, job structure, and more.

    (2 hours, maximum of 45 participants)

  • This engaging workshop is perfect to get the conversation started around what diversity, equity, and inclusion are, and what strategies can be used to build a more inclusive organization. We focus on five identities: race/ethnicity, religion, ability status, sexual orientation/gender identity, and age. Participants will learn about identity diversity, biases, microaggressions and other facets of DEI. This session also addresses barriers that folks with marginalized identities face and offers best practices so all employees can work to foster more inclusive environments. This training can be customized to different industries and age groups, and the longer version includes additional time for activities and dialogue.

    (2.5 hours or 4 hours, maximum of 45 participants)

  • This workshop will explore several theoretical models for understanding power, privilege, and oppression within a United States context. Participants will learn about how we are socialized, how power is distributed to different identity groups, and various forces that uphold oppression. Discussion during this session will help participants see the connection between these various theoretical frameworks and how they impact our personal and professional lives.

    (2 hours, maximum of 30 participants)

  • We are pleased to offer the Interrupting Racism Workshop to engage the region in confronting structural racism via honest self-reflection and stronger communication across differences. This workshop has meaningfully engaged hundreds of people in exploring institutional racism and racial equity since it was launched in 2015, helping them understand their experiences of race and the ways they have internalized racial messages.

    Through short presentations, experiential activities, reflection, and dialogue, participants cultivate a stronger awareness of their racial socialization, how it impacts their interactions, and ways to interrupt racism when it arises. Participants will:

    • Explore the dynamics of bias, systemic racism, and racial equity

    • Understand the connection between how racism operates in the world and in our mind

    • Explore the dynamics of advantage and inequity around race

    • Gain personal introspection, share others’ perspectives, and learn tools for allyship

    • Develop and share a personal plan of action to interrupt racism

    (1 day, maximum of 30 participants)

  • This workshop is specifically designed for organizational leadership. It explores the significance of inclusive leadership to an effective organization and provides practical insights for implementation. Participants will be equipped with strategies and tools to enact meaningful change that promotes psychological safety, inclusivity, and belonging within the organization. Additionally, the session delves into the six signature traits of inclusive leadership, illustrating how each trait influences mindset and behavior. Participants will have time to practice skill-building with a facilitated activity.

    (2 hours, maximum of 45 participants)

Level 3: Well on the Way

Initiatives at this level may be a good fit if your organization’s leadership and team have strongly engaged in DEI learning and strategizing, and now you are seeking support in more tangibly aligning your shared vision with your team’s daily experiences.

  • This training can be a follow-up to Introduction to Inclusive Leadership or can stand alone if that is the best fit for your organization.

    As workplaces continue to diversify, leadership requires the qualities and skills to foster cohesive and empowered teams. This session focuses on the benefits of inclusive leadership to leaders and organizations, as well as what implementation looks like on a practical level.

    Participants will leave with an in-depth understanding of the six signature traits of inclusive leadership, including how to grow these traits within themselves; how to create, retain, and manage diverse teams; and how to address systemic inequity within their organization.

    (4 hours, maximum of 20 participants)

  • Inclusion Institutes are our full-immersion, retreat-style training programs for adults. The Inclusion Institutes tailor our core social justice content for different sectors and provide an unparalleled experience for those taking the lead for more inclusive settings. Inclusion Institutes are three-day retreats designed for maximum trust building and learning.

    (3 days in person or 4 days online, maximum of 30 participants)

Facilitrainer Certification Program

The Facilitrainer Certification Program (FTCP) prepares individuals from a wide variety of fields with the essential skills to facilitate dialogue around and train others on diversity, equity and inclusion content. Click here to visit our Training for Individuals page and learn more.

Level 4: Exemplary

IInitiatives at this level may be a good fit if your organization has meaningfully integrated DEI thought processes into all operations and are seeking ways to sustain a culture of adaptable DEI leadership long-term.

  • During this workshop, participants will explore the Ally-to-Accomplice spectrum and the actions, risks and rewards associated with every step in the spectrum. Participants will have an opportunity to identify where they lie on the spectrum and what they can accomplish from that role, as well as discuss how to work alongside folks who are on different steps in order to support marginalized people in the workplace.

    (4 hours, maximum of 20 participants)

Customizable Trainings

We can offer customization of all workshops to fit the needs of your organization.

Stack of three books


Consulting services at any level may include: assessments, focus group facilitation, data analysis, recommendations on your DEI vision and goals, ERG and/or committee organizing, benchmarking, sharing outcomes, and leadership support.

  • We have created a customizable online assessment of quantitative and qualitative questions to produce data assessing the climate of diversity, equity, and inclusion at your organization. Clients can choose from one of three package options. Contact the Director of Education and Training for more information.

  • We can facilitate group conversations on specific DEI topics (e.g., racial conflict, exclusive language, microaggressions). These smaller groups provide opportunities for deeper dialogue invaluable to building inclusivity and fostering relationship building. We will consult with you to determine the timeframe and number of participants.

Connect with us

Please feel free to reach out to Christina Meneses, Education and Training Manager, at or 314-390-6603 with questions or to discuss equitable rates that best fit your organization's needs.